VectorDisplacement displaces geometry using special input maps, where the color indicates direction and magnitude determines length of displacement.
Large displacement values might cause strong UV deformation.
When combining two VectorDisplacement nodes, it is more efficient to layer the input data using LayerMap or OpMap than using CombineDisplacement.

Attribute Reference
General attributes
default: 0.0
bound padding defines how much to extend the bounding box of the object. Keep this value as low as possible unless the geometry skips tessellation because control cage bounding box is out of camera frustum but the displacement stretch out of the original object bounding box (pre-displacement). Setting the bound padding too large will consume more memory and tessellation time.
default: 1.0
A multiplier applied to the input vector
Int enum
0 = “tangent” (default)
1 = “object”
The space that the map bound to the vector parameter is in
Int enum
0 = “tnb” (default)
1 = “tbn”
Controls how RGB maps to Tangent, Normal, and Bi-Normal
Vec3f bindable
default: [ 0, 0, 0 ]
The direction to apply the displacement. Bind a map with tangent or object space vector values here.