Getting Started

You can read more about the components making up MoonRay in the About section here.

MoonRay can be obtained in source form from our Github site.

We do not currently provide MoonRay as a pre-built package.


For information on how to install MoonRay, please see our instructions on Building MoonRay.

Running MoonRay

The main command-line program to render images with MoonRay is moonray, in the bin directory of a completed installation. moonray_gui is a GUI version of MoonRay that displays the output images as they are rendering.

Both moonray and moonray_gui require input scene descriptions in the native RDL2 format. You can find some example scenes in RDLA/RDLB format on our Test Scenes page.

You can render scenes in Pixar’s USD format using the MoonRay Hydra plugin HdMoonRay.