

The HdMoonRay project includes a command-line program, hd_render that performs Hydra renders from a USD scene file. hd_render can use any Hydra render delegate except for Storm (the Pixar openGl renderer). This limitation is because Storm requires OpenGL libraries to be linked into the main application, and we have chosen not to do this for hd_render.

hd_render [Flags]

    Print this message.

-in scene.usd{a}
    Input USD scene data.

-out scene.exr
    Output image name and type.

-aov color
    Name or aov (color, depth, normal, etc...)

-camera <CAMERA_NAME>
    Name of the rendering camera.  If not specified, a default
    camera is created that frames the scene geometry.

-sampling_camera <CAMERA_NAME>
     Use this cameras shutter:open and shutter:close to
     define the motion blur sample steps

-renderer MoonRay
    Which hydra render delegate plugin to use.
    Use '-renderer' to see a list of available renderers.

-delta_in <DELTA>.usd
    After finishing the main render, apply the contents of
    <DELTA>.usd to the scene and re-render the result into
    the file specified with the -delta_out option.

-delta_out <DELTA>.exr
    Specifies the output delta file.

-delta_set <SETTING> <VALUE>
    After finishing the main render, apply this render setting
    and re-render the result into the file specified with the -delta_out option.  This option can appear multiple times.

-purpose <PURPOSE>
    Specifies a UsdGeomImageable purpose to include in the   render. <PURPOSE> can be one of 'render', 'proxy', or 'guide'.  This option can appear multiple times in order to select multiple purposes. The 'default' purpose is implicity set.

-refine-level <N>
    Set geometry refine level fallback to N. Tessellation rate is 2^N. 0 disables subdivision, 1 is the default.

-res 1.0
    Resolution divisor for frame dimensions.

    Sets the render setting <SETTING> to <VALUE>.  This
    option can appear multiple times. Use '-set' to see a list of available settings.

-size 1920 1080
    Canonical frame width and height (in pixels).

-time <FRAME>
    Set timecode (i.e. frame) to render at. If not set, uses the special value 'Earliest' (see pxr::UsdTimeCode)

-timing [<file>]
    Write elapsed time in seconds for each step to the given file in simple text format. If no file is specified, write timing to stdout

-trace <STEPNAME> [<FILE>]
    Use the Pixar trace library to trace function calls for the given step. Supported step names are: load_plugin, open_stage, populate, render, open_delta_stage and delta_render. Writes log to the specified file, or to /tmp/trace_<STEPNAME> if no file is specified. Can appear multiple times

To see a list of all settings:

hd_render -set

For example, to enable verbose output, enable the info setting:

hd_render -set info 1

Note that scene variables can also be customized using the -set flag. For example, to set a custom pixel_samples value:

-set sceneVariable:pixel_samples 10


hd_usd2rdl uses HdMoonRay to translate a USD scene to RDL2, but then outputs the RDL2 data to a file rather than rendering it.

hd_usd2rdl [Flags]

    Print this message.

-in scene.usd{a}
    Input USD scene data.

-out scene.rdl[a|b]
    Output RDL file. Extension (.rdla or .rdlb) determines type. If you specify a filename with no extension, both .rdla and .rdlb will be output, with large array attributes placed in the .rdlb and everything else in the .rdla


-camera <CAMERA_NAME>
    Name of the rendering camera.  If not specified, a default
    camera is created that frames the scene geometry.

-purpose <PURPOSE>
    Specifies a UsdGeomImageable purpose to include in the render. <PURPOSE> can be one of 'render', 'proxy', or 'guide'.  This option can appear multiple times in order to select multiple purposes. The 'default' purpose is implicity set.

-refine-level <N>
    Set geometry refine level fallback to N. Tessellation rate is 2^N. 0 disables subdivision, 1 is the default.

-res 1.0
    Resolution divisor for frame dimensions.

    Sets the render setting <SETTING> to <VALUE>.  This
    option can appear multiple times. Use '-set' to see a list of available settings.

-size 1920 1080
    Canonical frame width and height (in pixels).

-time <FRAME>
    Set timecode (i.e. frame) to render at. If not set, uses the special value 'Earliest' (see pxr::UsdTimeCode)