
  • The use of exceptions is encouraged for error handling.

  • Only use exceptions for unusual or erroneous situations. Do not use them as a conditional mechanism during regular execution. Knowing when to use exceptions is a matter of judgment. Remember that when an exception actually gets thrown it can have a significant performance impact. Here are some examples of good use of exceptions:
    class Foo
      void doSomething(Foo* aFoo)
          if (!aFoo) {
              throw(except::ValueError, "Valid foo pointer required"));
    class Bar
      void writeIntToFile(const char* aFileName, int anInt)
          ofstream theFile(aFileName);
          if (!theFile) {
              throw(except::IoError, "Unable to open file:" << aFileName);
          theFile << anInt << ends;
  • Header files must document which exceptions are thrown using comments:
    class Foo
      /// @throw ValueError if ptr is illegal
      void doSomething(Foo* ptr);
  • Methods must declare all exceptions they might throw using comments, but not exception specifications, i.e. use of the C++ exception specification mechanism should be avoided. (See this article ).

  • Do not use an empty exception declaration, as in throw(). Use noexcept instead.

  • Throw scope local exception instances, not pointers or references or globals.

  • Catch exceptions by reference.

  • Never allow an exception to escape from a destructor. This not only means that the destructor exits before it is finished, potentially leaving a partially destructed object, but it can also create a “nested” exception situation when a destructor is called during unwinding of the stack due to another exception.