Writing Material Shaders


Many of the topics covered in the general Writing Shaders page apply to Material shaders, and it is advised that you look there first.

MoonRay provides the BsdfBuilder API for writing new Material shaders. The goal of this API is to provide a relatively simple abstraction for implementing an energy-conserving MoonRay material without requiring direct low-level access to MoonRays internal constructs, whose construction and configuration can become quite complicated as the Material’s complexity grows.

Examples of these internal low-level constructs include the Bsdf class, the BsdfLobe classes, and Fresnel classes. A fully configured BSDF for a complex Material may include dozens of such constructs, each allocated in a memory arena and carefully weighted and wrapped together to ensure energy conservation. The BsdfBuilder API provides high-level constructs that describe each of MoonRay’s supported shading models, and handles their construction, weighting, Fresnel behavior and energy conservation.

Each of MoonRay’s supported shading models is exposed in the form of a BsdfComponent. These components are added in an ordered fashion using the BsdfBuilder, which keeps track of previously added components and provides automatic weighting and Fresnel behavior tracking.

At the time of this writing MoonRay supports the following shading models:

MirrorBRDF                           LambertianBRDF              HairRBRDF
MirrorBTDF                           LambertianBTDF              HairTRTBRDF
MirrorBSDF                           FlatDiffuseBRDF             HairTTBTDF
MicrofacetAnisotropicClearcoat       OrenNayarBRDF               HairTRRTBRDF
MicrofacetIsotropicClearcoat         DipoleDiffusion             GlitterFlakeBRDF
MirrorClearcoat                      NormalizedDiffusion         StochasticFlakesBRDF
MicrofacetAnisotropicBRDF            RandomWalkSubsurface        ToonBRDF
MicrofacetIsotropicBRDF              FabricBRDF                  ToonSpecularBRDF
MicrofacetAnisotropicBTDF            VelvetBRDF                  HairToonSpecularBRDF
MicrofacetIsotropicBTDF              EyeCausticBRDF
MicrofacetAnisotropicBSDF            HairDiffuseBSDF             
MicrofacetIsotropicBSDF              HairBSDF

The BsdfBuilder API and associated components are implemented in both scalar and vector flavors.

Source files

There are typically 4 files that make up a Material shader’s source:

  • <ClassName>.cc
  • <ClassName>.ispc
  • <ClassName>.json
  • CMakeLists.txt

The .cc file is written in C++ and contains the class definition, the constructor/destructor, the update() function, and the static scalar ShadeFunc function implementation.

The .ispc file is written in ISPC and contains the vector ShadeFuncv function implementation. It is also common for the .ispc source to contain any data structures or enumerations needed by the shader.

Attributes are declared in the .json file via JSON.

The shade() function

Each Material shader implements two static functions to support MoonRay’s scalar and vector execution modes. The ShadeFunc and ShadeFuncv function prototypes are defined in scene_rdl2’s Types.h.

Material shaders inherit two protected function pointer members (mShadeFunc and mShadeFuncv) which they must set, typically in the constructor, to point to the two implementations which are named shade() by convention.

The shade() function is responsible for configuring the BSDF using the BsdfBuilder API.

The moonray::shading::State

The shading State provides the shade function with geometric data at the shading point.

The vectorized shade function (ShadeFuncv) implementation is routinely followed by a call to the DEFINE_MATERIAL_SHADER macro which is defined in ShaderMacros.isph

DEFINE_MATERIAL_SHADER(<shader_name>, <shade_function_name>)

This macro provides enables profiling of the vectorized shade function and defines a function ispc::<shader_name>_getSampleFunc() which is used to get a function pointer to the ispc shade function from c++ code.


Here is a bare-bones simple solid dielectric material example:


#include <rendering/shading/MaterialApi.h>

#include "attributes.cc"
#include "SimpleDielectricMaterial_ispc_stubs.h"
#include "labels.h"

#include <string>

using namespace scene_rdl2;
using namespace moonray::shading;

RDL2_DSO_CLASS_BEGIN(SimpleDielectricMaterial, rdl2::Material)

    SimpleDielectricMaterial(const rdl2::SceneClass& sceneClass, const std::string& name);
    ~SimpleDielectricMaterial() override {}

    virtual void update() override;

    static void shade(const rdl2::Material* mtl,
                      TLState *tls,
                      const State& state,
                      BsdfBuilder& bsdfBuilder);


SimpleDielectricMaterial::SimpleDielectricMaterial(const rdl2::SceneClass& sceneClass,
                                                   const std::string& name) :
    Parent(sceneClass, name)
    // Set the inherited function pointers to our shade function implementations
    mShadeFunc = SimpleDielectricMaterial::shade;
    mShadeFuncv = (rdl2::ShadeFuncv) ispc::SimpleDielectricMaterial_getShadeFunc();

// This gets called once before shading, and anytime any of the
// shader's attributes get changed during interactive rendering.
// Do any precomputations/allocations here.
    // nothing to do here

SimpleDielectricMaterial::shade(const rdl2::Material* mtl,
                                TLState *tls,
                                const State& state,
                                BsdfBuilder& bsdfBuilder)
    // ---------------------------------------------
    // a simple dielectric specular/diffuse material
    // ---------------------------------------------

    // specular BRDF
    const MicrofacetIsotropicBRDF spec(
            evalFloat(mtl, attrRoughness, tls, state),

    // diffuse BRDF
    const LambertianBRDF diffuse(
            evalColor(mtl, attrAlbedo, tls, state));

    // The order in which components are added determines how energy
    // is distributed amongst the lobes.

            1.0f,                           // weight
            ispc::BSDFBUILDER_PHYSICAL,     // use physical behavior
            aovSpecular);                   // label for LPE aovs

            1.0f,                           // weight
            ispc::BSDFBUILDER_PHYSICAL,     // use physical behavior
            aovDiffuse);                    // label for LPE aovs


#include <rendering/shading/ispc/MaterialApi.isph>

#include "attributes.isph"
#include "labels.isph"

static void
shade(const uniform Material *      uniform  mtl,
            uniform ShadingTLState *uniform  tls,
      const varying State                    &state,
            varying BsdfBuilder              &bsdfBuilder)
    // ---------------------------------------------
    // a simple dielectric specular/diffuse material
    // ---------------------------------------------

    // specular BRDF
    MicrofacetIsotropicBRDF spec;
            evalAttrRoughness(mtl, tls, state),

    // diffuse BRDF
    LambertianBRDF diffuse;
            evalAttrAlbedo(mtl, tls, state));

    // The order in which components are added determines how energy
    // is distributed amongst the lobes.

            1.0f,                           // weight
            BSDFBUILDER_PHYSICAL,           // use physical behavior
            aovSpecular);                   // label for LPE aovs

            1.0f,                           // weight
            BSDFBUILDER_PHYSICAL,           // use physical behavior
            aovDiffuse);                    // label for LPE aovs

DEFINE_MATERIAL_SHADER(SimpleDielectricMaterial, shade)


    "name": "SimpleDielectricMaterial",
    "type": "Material",
    "attributes": {
        "attrAlbedo": {
            "name": "albedo",
            "type": "Rgb",
            "default": "Rgb(0.18, 0.18, 0.18)",
            "flags": "FLAGS_BINDABLE",
            "comment" : "the diffuse reflectance"
        "attrRoughness": {
            "name": "roughness",
            "type": "Float",
            "default": "0.3f",
            "flags": "FLAGS_BINDABLE"
        "attrRefractiveIndex": {
            "name": "refractive_index",
            "label": "refractive index",
            "type": "Float",
            "default": "1.5f",
            "comment": "the refractive index, typically between 1.3 and 1.7"
    "labels": {
        "aovDiffuse": "diffuse",
        "aovSpecular": "specular"