Writing Volume Shaders


Volume shaders derive from the VolumeShader interface class and allow the customization of various volume properties. They are required to implement the following methods: extinct, albedo, emission, anisotropy, hasExtinctionMapBinding, and updateBakeRequired. In addition to these required methods, volume shaders should also set the VolumeShader::Properties bitmask in their update method and return it from their getProperties method.

There are typically 3 files that make up a volume shaders’s source:


Volume shaders define parameters in the attribute.cc file. In addition to the user defined parameters, all volume shaders inherit several parameters: bake_resolution_mode, bake_division, bake_voxel_size, and surface_opacity_threshold. Moonray bakes any bound maps into a voxel grid based on the bake parameters. The surface_opacity_threshold sets the opacity that’s considered the ‘surface’ for computing position.


The update method should set a VolumeShader::Properties bitmask which informs Moonray of the nature of the volume. The following properties are settable:

  • IS_EXTINCTIVE - Set this if the extinct method outputs a color value other than black
  • HOMOGENOUS_EXTINC - Set this if there are no map bindings that modify the output of the extinct method
  • IS_SCATTERING - Set this if the albdeo method outputs a color value other than black
  • HOMOGENOUS_ALBEDO - Set this if there are no map bindings that modify the output of the albedo method
  • IS_EMISSIVE - Set this if the emission method outputs a color value other than black
  • HOMOGENOUS_EMISS - Set this if there are no map bindings that modify the output of the emission method
  • ISOTROPIC_PHASE - Set this if the anisotropy method outputs zero and there are no map bindings that modify it’s output

The example below sets the unsigned mProp member variable based on the input parameters and bindings.

    // If map binding does not exist, then property is homogenous.
    mProp = 0x0;
    if (getBinding(attrExtinctionGainMult)) {
        mProp |= IS_EXTINCTIVE;
    } else if (!isBlack(get(attrExtinctionGainMult))) {

    if (getBinding(attrAlbedoMult)) {
        mProp |= IS_SCATTERING;
    } else if (!isBlack(get(attrAlbedoMult))) {

    if (getBinding(attrIncandGainMult)) {
        mProp |= IS_EMISSIVE;
    } else if (!isBlack(get(attrIncandGainMult))) {

    if (get(attrAnisotropy) == 0.0f && getBinding(attrAnisotropy) == nullptr) {
        mProp |= ISOTROPIC_PHASE;

In addition to setting the bitmask in update, the shader should return it from the overriden getProperties method as in the example below.

virtual finline unsigned getProperties() const override
    return mProp;

Required Methods


The extinct method allows the modification of the volume’s density. The input density and the shading state are provided. The output extinction should be limited to positive values. The example below multiplies the input density with a bindable user defined parameter and clamps the output at zero.

virtual scene_rdl2::math::Color extinct(moonray::shading::TLState *tls,
                                        const moonray::shading::State &state,
                                        const scene_rdl2::math::Color& density) const override
    scene_rdl2::math::Color result = density * evalColor(this, attrExtinctionGainMult, tls, state);
    // Map shader can produce negative values. An extinction value cannot be negative.
    result = scene_rdl2::math::max(result, scene_rdl2::math::sBlack);
    return result;


The albedo method allows the modification of the volume’s color. The input density and the shading state are provided. The output color should be limited to positive values. The example below multiplies the input density with a bindable user defined parameter and clamps the output at zero.

virtual scene_rdl2::math::Color albedo(moonray::shading::TLState *tls,
                           const moonray::shading::State &state,
                           const scene_rdl2::math::Color& density) const override
    scene_rdl2::math::Color result = density * evalColor(this, attrAlbedoMult, tls, state);
    // Map shader can produce negative values. An albedo value cannot be negative.
    result = scene_rdl2::math::max(result, scene_rdl2::math::sBlack);
    return result;


The emission method allows the modification of the volume’s emission. The input density and the shading state are provided. The output color should be limited to positive values. The example below multiplies the input density with a bindable user defined parameter and clamps the output at zero.

virtual scene_rdl2::math::Color emission(moonray::shading::TLState *tls,
                             const moonray::shading::State &state,
                             const scene_rdl2::math::Color& density) const override
    scene_rdl2::math::Color result = density * evalColor(this, attrIncandGainMult, tls, state);
    // Map shader can produce negative values. An emission value cannot be negative.
    result = scene_rdl2::math::max(result, scene_rdl2::math::sBlack);
    return result;


The anisotropy method allows the modification of the volume’s anisotropy or how forward or backward scattering the volue is. The input state is provided. The output color should be clamped from -1 to 1. The example below evaluates the bindable anistropy parameter and clamps the result.

virtual float anisotropy(moonray::shading::TLState *tls,
                         const moonray::shading::State &state) const override
    return scene_rdl2::math::clamp(evalFloat(this, attrAnisotropy, tls, state),
                                   -1.0f, 1.0f);


The hasExtinctionMapBinding method should return true or false based on whether or not the output of the extinction method uses any map bindings. The example below checks if there the parameter is bound.

virtual bool hasExtinctionMapBinding() const override
    return getBinding(attrExtinctionGainMult) != nullptr;


As noted above, Moonray bakes any bound maps into voxel grids using the inherited bake parameters. This method should return true or false based on whether or not any of these parameter or any map bindings have changed as shown in the example below.

    virtual bool updateBakeRequired() const override
        bool updateMapBinding = false;
        if (hasExtinctionMapBinding()) {
            updateMapBinding |= getBinding(attrExtinctionGainMult)->updateRequired();
        return updateMapBinding ||
               hasChanged(scene_rdl2::rdl2::VolumeShader::sBakeResolutionMode) ||
               hasChanged(scene_rdl2::rdl2::VolumeShader::sBakeDivisions) ||
               hasChanged(scene_rdl2::rdl2::VolumeShader::sBakeVoxelSize) ||
               hasBindingChanged(attrExtinctionGainMult) ||
               // If any map bindings are added or removed, we must rebake the volume shader
               // in case velocity is being applied. We don't know if velocity is applied until
               // we bake the volume shader, so this is a precaution.
               hasBindingChanged(attrAlbedoMult) ||
               hasBindingChanged(attrIncandGainMult) ||