
MoonRay is released under the Apache License, Version 2.0, which is a free, open-source, and detailed software license developed and maintained by the Apache Software Foundation.

Contributor License Agreement

Developers who wish to contribute code to be considered for inclusion in the MoonRay distribution must first complete the Contributor License Agreement and submit it to, and don’t forget to include your GitHub username(s).

Pull Requests

During this early stage of MoonRay open source we do not yet have a main or develop branch in play on the repositories. We welcome contributions from the community in the form of Pull Requests filed against the main branch, but they cannot be merged directly at this point in time.

All development work must first round-trip through DWA’s Enterprise GitHub server before being integrated into MoonRay as open source. This ensures stability for our productions, and allows us to perform security scanning and testing before integrating any contributions from the open-source community. Once reviewed, scanned and tested, contributions will then appear in a future release and the original Pull Request will be closed. Please have patience as we continue to work on improving this process.

We also ask that potential contributors review our work-in-progress coding standards before filing a Pull Request.

Further information can be found in in the top-level openmoonray repo