Post checkpoint LUA script
You can specify a LUA script to be executed after every checkpoint file is created, with the following setting:
["checkpoint_post_script"] = <filename>
The default value is empty, which disables post checkpoint LUA script functionality.
When enabled, the LUA script is executed under a freshly constructed LUA execution environment (lua_State) and there is no way to access any other LUA environment, such as the internal RDLA parser and on-resume LUA scripts.
The LUA script is executed on a parallel, independent thread from MCRT rendering threads if the checkpoint_bg_write setting is true. Otherwise, the LUA script is executed exclusively after all MCRT threads are stopped, when checkpoint_bg_write = false.
MoonRay sets several different checkpoint related information as part of the LUA’ execution environment’ss global variables. This information is stored inside an associative array named “checkpoint”, so that the LUA script can query checkpoint related information via the global variable “checkpoint”.
Note: you should not use
from your post-checkpoint script, as that would cause MoonRay to crash.
Post checkpoint LUA global variables
associative array name = “checkpoint”
associative item (=element) name | type | description |
filename | string array | all checkpoint file names at this checkpoint output |
tileSampleTotal | int | total number of samples per tile (8 x 8 pixels) |
Example of post checkpoint LUA global variables
checkpoint = {
tileSampleTotal = 1234,
filename = {"/usr/pic1/test/A.exr", "/usr/pic1/test/B.exr", "/usr/pic1/test/C.exr" }
Sample post checkpoint LUA script
This is a sample LUA script which prints all “checkpoint” associative array members.
function showTable(indent, tbl)
strIndent = function(indent)
str = ""
for i = 1, indent, 1 do str = str .. " " end
return str
elemSize = function(tbl)
id = 0
for key, val in pairs(tbl) do id = id + 1 end
return id
if (tbl == nil) then
return "not defined table";
str = "tbl size:" .. elemSize(tbl) .. " {\n"
indent = indent + 1
id = 0
for key, val in pairs(tbl) do
if (id ~= 0) then str = str .. "\n" end
id = id + 1
str = str .. strIndent(indent)
if (type(key) == "number") then str = str .. "[n:" .. key .. "]"
elseif (type(key) == "string") then str = str .. "[s:" .. key .. "]"
else str = str .. "[?:" .. key .. "]"
str = str .. " = "
if (type(val) == "boolean") then str = str .. "b:" .. tostring(val)
elseif (type(val) == "number") then str = str .. "n:" .. val
elseif (type(val) == "string") then str = str .. "s:" .. val
elseif (type(val) == "table") then str = str .. showTable(indent, val)
else str = str .. "Val=?(" .. val .. ")"
if (id > 0) then str = str .. "\n" end
indent = indent - 1
str = str .. strIndent(indent) .. "}"
return str
print(showTable(0, checkpoint))