Resume rendering

What is “Resume Rendering”

Resume rendering allows more sample data to be added to a previously computed image. This is supported in moonray running in “resume rendering” mode, and is not supported in moonray_gui.

It is important to note that not all image files can be used as a resumable image file, which is the required input for resume rendering. Additional information is required for resume rendering functionality, and storing this information in the resumable file is done by enabling the resumable_output attribute on SceneVariables.

Creating resumable output files

Any output image or checkpoint file image can be used for resume rendering, as long as they were created with moonray running in resumable_output mode. MoonRay cannot resume a render from an image file that was not rendered using resumable_output mode.

To set a resumable_output mode, you should use the setting like so:

["resumable_output"] = true

or set the command option to create a resumable file:

moonray -resumable_output

Each resumable image file needs to include five special AOV buffers, similar to checkpoint image files.

  1. Beauty AOV
    ["result"] = 0 -- or "beauty"
  2. Alpha AOV
    ["result"] = 1 -- or "alpha" 
  3. Weight AOV
    ["result"] = 11 -- or "weight" 
  4. Beauty Aux AOV
    ["result"] = 12 -- or "beauty aux"
  5. Alpha Aux AOV
    ["result"] = 14 -- or "alpha aux" 

Without these special AOV buffers, MoonRay cannot start resumable renderering and will fall back to normal rendering mode. These AOVs are not created by the resumable_output option automatically, and will need to be defined.

How to run Resume rendering

The first step is to modify the _resume_file_name setting in the “RenderOutput” block to specify the resumable file name. For example

["resume_file_name"] = "resume0.exr"

If there are multiple file output settings in the RenderOutput” block, then the setting for resume_file_name needs to follow the exact same pattern as the setting for file_name, which is used for regular image file output.

In other words, different patterns for both settings are not supported for resume rendering, such as regular image file output going to two files, but the resumable image file output going only to one file. In such a case, moonray would show an error and then exit.

After setting the _resume_file_name value, MoonRay is ready to do resume rendering. There are two ways to activate a resumable render; either via a setting:

["resume_render"] = <bool> -- enable or disable resume render

or via the command option:

moonray -resume_render 

Resume rendering is disabled by default. Also note that Resume rendering mode is canceled and will fall back to regular standard rendering when it cannot open a resumable file.

Goals and quality output of Resume rendering

Consider the following two scenarios, for which MoonRay will try to create the same image:

  1. Using some sampling parameters and creating an image with normal, non-resumable rendering
  2. Using the same sampling parameters, however this time the image is created in multiple phases by resumable rendering via a resumable file which created by checkpoint rendering.

When rendering using uniform sampling and with a full float resumable image file, the rendering results results are matched with a very high precision.

However, when rendering using adaptive sampling with a full float resumable image file, the rendering results cannot guarantee to render exactly the same image as in uniform sampling. Essentially, scenario #2 is slightly better (more samples) than scenario #1.

If the resumable file is created at half float instead of full float, then the rendered result is also slightly different between Scenarios 1 and 2, with Scenario #2 having slightly better results.

Falling back to regular, non-resumable rendering

In some cases, Resume rendering mode falls back to regular rendering mode, when MoonRay has trouble to revert information from a resumable file. The following are some cases this can be seen:

Resumable file errors

  • The resume_file_name setting is not specified inside RenderOutput definition
  • MoonRay cannot open the resume file or multiple resume files
  • Reading data from resume file fails
  • Multipart image name is wrong in the RenderOutput definition
  • There is resumable file resolution mismatch with the resume setting
  • The resumable file AOV configuration is different the settings defined in the RenderOutput block
  • No Weight AOV data exists in the resumable file
  • No Beauty AUX AOV data exists in the resumable file
  • No “progressCheckpointTileSamples” exists in the resumable file exr meta data
  • Resume related metadata is different between multiple defined resumable files

Sampling condition error

  • The prior sampling mode of the resumable image file is ADAPTIVE and current sampling mode Resume rendering is UNIFORM

Internal memory error

  • There is small possibility to get memory allocation error related to resume render

Limitations and quality controls for Resume rendering

The essential limitation of Resume rendering is that there cannot be any scene description changes between previous resumable image file and resuming the render, which would not make sense. However, the sampling setting can be changed when resuming a render. In fact, the sampling settings are the only parameters which can be changed when resuming renders.

The most typical scenario is to set a higher sampling rate for resuming a render. Occasionaly there may be a desire to also change the sampling mode between uniform and adaptive sampling. That would entail the following four scenarios:

  1. Uniformly sampled resumable file -> resuming a render with uniform sampling
  2. Uniformly sampled resumable file -> resuming a render with adaptive sampling
  3. Adaptively sampled resumable file -> resuming a render with adaptive sampling
  4. Adaptively sampled resumable file -> resuming a render with uniform sampling

The scenarios from 1 to 3 are fine and MoonRay will properly compute the resume render task. However, the fourth scenario does not currently work. This is because although the internal resume logic can support Scenario #4, the progress percentage update logic does not support it (yet). Therefore if MoonRay encounters that fourth scenario, it will show an error, cancel resume rendering and fall back to normal rendering.

On-resume LUA script execution

MoonRay also provides a way to run a LUA script when a resume rendering action has started. This is useful to execute a user-defined action for resumable image files. Further details are here.