On-resume LUA script execution

A LUA script can be defined, which is executed just after resumable image file data load operation occurs when resume rendering starts, regardless of whether the resume render started properly or fell back to normal, non-resumable rendering due to an error. The script to be run is defined in the following setting:

["on_resume_script"] = <filename>

The default value is empty and on-resume script functionality is disabled.

If definied, the LUA script is executed in a freshly constructed LUA execution environment (lua_State) and there is no way to internally access other LUA environments such as the RDLA parser and post-checkpoint script execution.

This LUA script is executed exclusively and all MCRT threads will be stopped until the on-resume script execution is completed. Keep this in mind when running very long tasks via the on-resume script.

MoonRay provides resume-related information to LUA’s global variables. All of the information is stored inside an associative array named “resume”, so that the script can get this information via a global variable “resume”.

Note: do not use “os.exit()” from the on-resume script, which would cause moonray to crash.

On-resume script LUA global variables

associative array name = “resume”

associative item (=element) name type description
resumeStartStatus bool result of the resume start condition
resumeFiles string array all resumable file names of the resume render
resumeParam dictionary resume start condition (See below for detail of resumeParam dictionary)
resumeHistory array of dictionary resumeHistory information from the resumable image file metadata

resumeParam dictionary LUA global parameter name and description

associative item (=element) name type description
progressCheckpointTileSamples int resume start tile sample number
AovFilterNumConsistentSample int AovFilterNumConsistent samples number
sampling string resume sampling mode. “uniform” or “adaptive”
adaptiveSampleParameters float[3] adaptive sample parameters.
[0] = min adaptive sample.
[1] = max adaptive sample.
[2] = adaptive target error.

Example of on-resume script LUA global variables

This is an example of on-resume script LUA global variables.

LUA global variable example for uniform sampling

resume = {
    resumeStartStatus = true, -- result of resume status
    resumeFiles = { -- which file we are using for resume file(s)
    resumeParam = {
        progressCheckpointTileSamples = 832
        AovFilterNumConsistentSamples = 64
        sampling = "uniform"
    resumeHistory = {
        history = { -- resume history info from exr metadata
            execEnv = {
                hostname = "pearldiva.gld.dreamworks.net",
                numberOfThreads = 36,
                UTCOffsetHours = -8.0
            timingSummary = {
                checkpointTotal = 3,
                checkpointAverageSec = 0.0092080002650619,
                renderPrepSec = 0.77061098814011,
                mcrtSec = 20.910980224609,
                checkpointSec = 0.018415000289679
            sampling = {
                samplingType = "UNIFORM",
                minSamples = 64,
                maxSamples = 64,
                sampleResult = {
                    PixelSamples = 2995200,
                    bsdfSamples = 249533116
                    bssrdfSamples = 0,
                    lightSamples = 229721923,
                    totalSamples = 482250239,
            timingDetail = {
                startTileSamplesId = 0,
                bgCheckpointWrite = true,
                procStartTime = {
                    sec = 1614881470,
                    usec = 403882,
                    date = "2021/Mar/4 Thu 10:11:10:403"
                frameStartTime = {
                    sec = 1614881470,
                    usec = 447255,
                    date = "2021/Mar/4 Thu 10:11:10:447"
                MCRT {
                    { -- MCRT[1], 1st stint
                        stint = 0,
                        endTileSamplesId = 63,
                        MCRTStartTime = {
                            sec = 1614881471,
                            usec = 217866,
                            date = "2021/Mar/4 Thu 10:11:11:217"
                        MCRTEndTime = {
                            sec = 1614881473,
                            usec = 164637,
                            date = "2021/Mar/4 Thu 10:11:13:164"
                    { -- MCRT[2], 2nd stint
                        stint = 1,
                        endTileSamplesId = 447,
                        MCRTStartTime = {
                            sec = 1614881473,
                            usec = 172278,
                            date = "2021/Mar/4 Thu 10:11:13:172"
                        MCRTEndTime = {
                            sec = 1614881482,
                            usec = 723726,
                            date = "2021/Mar/4 Thu 10:11:22:723"
                    { -- MCRT[3], 3rd stint
                        stint = 2,
                        endTileSamplesId = 831,
                        MCRTStartTime = {
                            sec = 1614881482,
                            usec = 734500,
                            date = "2021/Mar/4 Thu 10:11:22:734"
                        MCRTEndTime = {
                            sec = 1614881492,
                            usec = 147263,
                            date = "2021/Mar/4 Thu 10:11:32:147"

LUA global variable example for adaptive sampling

resume = {
    resumeStartStatus = true, -- result of resume status
    resumeFiles = { -- which file we are using for resume file(s)
    resumeParam = {
        progressCheckpointTileSamples = 9920,
        AovFilterNumConsistentSamples = 4,
        sampling = "adaptive",
        adaptiveSampleParameters = {
    resumeHistory = {
        history = { -- resume history info from exr metadata
            execEnv = {
                hostname = "pearldiva.gld.dreamworks.net",
                numberOfThreads = 36,
                UTCOffsetHours = -8.0
            timingSummary = {
                checkpointTotal = 2,
                checkpointAverageSec = 0.0081120003014803,
                renderPrepSec = 0.71837097406387,
                mcrtSec = 108.80061340332,
                checkpointSec = 0.0081120003014803
            sampling = {
                samplingType = "ADAPTIVE",
                adaptiveTargetError = 6.0,
                minSamples = 4,
                maxSamples = 4096,
                sampleResult = {
                    PixelSamples = 15697448,
                    bsdfSamples = 1293230538,
                    bssrdfSamples = 0,
                    lightSamples = 1209119177,
                    totalSamples = -1776920133
            timingDetail = {
                startTileSamplesId = 0,
                bgCheckpointWrite = true,
                procStartTime = {
                    sec = 1614883251,
                    usec = 826812,
                    date = "2021/Mar/4 Thu 10:40:51:826"
                frameStartTime = {
                    sec = 1614883251,
                    usec = 867073,
                    date = "2021/Mar/4 Thu 10:40:51:867"
                MCRT = {
                    { -- MCRT[1], 1st stint
                        stint = 0,
                        endTileSamplesId = 63,
                        MCRTStartTime = {
                            sec = 1614883252,
                            usec = 585444,
                            date = "2021/Mar/4 Thu 10:40:52:585"
                        MCRTEndTime = {
                            sec = 1614883254,
                            usec = 520904,
                            date = "2021/Mar/4 Thu 10:40:54:520"
                    { -- MCRT[2], 2nd stint
                        stint = 1,
                        endTileSamplesId = 9919,
                        MCRTStartTime = {
                            sec = 1614883254,
                            usec = 529016,
                            date = "2021/Mar/4 Thu 10:40:54:529"
                        MCRTEndTime = {
                            sec = 1614883361,
                            usec = 394167,
                            date = "2021/Mar/4 Thu 10:42:41:394"

LUA global variable example when resume failed, and then fell back to regular non-resumable rendering

resume = {
    resumeStartStatus = false