Render Outputs Guide
See also: RenderOutput Attribute Reference
Introduction Permalink to Introduction
The RenderOutput object is used to specify any output the renderer produces.
Setup Permalink to Setup
Generally, when setting up a RenderOutput object, you want to specify at least two attributes: the result, or type of RenderOutput, and file_name, which is where you want the result saved. Certain AOVs will require other attributes to be set, like primitive_attribute to specify the attribute to visualize, or material_aov, which specifies the material expression. You can refer to the RenderOutput Scene Class which contains a full attribute reference. There are also guides on specific RenderOutput types linked under the Types section below.
Example: World Position
-- output position in world space
RenderOutput("/output/result/worldPos") {
["file name"] = "result0.exr",
["result"] = 3, -- state variable
["state variable"] = 10, -- "WP"
["channel format"] = 0
Types Permalink to Types
Type | Description |
Beauty | Full render (RGB) |
Alpha | Full render alpha channel (A) |
Depth | z-distance away from camera (Z) |
DisplayFilter | Outputs the results from a DisplayFilter |
Type | Description |
State Variable | Visualize a built-in state variable (pos, nor, texture coords, etc) |
Primitive Attribute | Visualize procedural-provided attributes |
Material AOV | AOV generated using a material expression |
Light AOV | AOV generated using a light path expression |
Visibility AOV | Fraction of light samples that hit the light source |
Weight | Pixel sample count, normalized between 0 and 1 |
Cryptomatte | Generate .exr layers containing pixel coverages by specified geometry(ies) |
Alpha Aux | Alpha auxiliary sample data for adaptive sampling |
Beauty Aux | Beauty auxiliary sample data for adaptive sampling |
Diagnostic Results
Type | Description |
Time Per Pixel | Time per pixel heat map metric |
Wireframe | Render as wireframe |
Examples Permalink to Examples
-- build a reasonably standard default RGBAZ result
RenderOutput("/output/result0/rgb") {
["file name"] = "result0.exr",
RenderOutput("/output/result0/alpha") {
["file name"] = "result0.exr",
["result"] = 1 -- alpha
RenderOutput("/output/result0/depth") {
["file name"] = "result0.exr",
["result"] = 2, -- depth
["channel format"] = 0, -- 32 bit float
["math filter"] = "min"
-- output the "ref_P" primitive attribute
RenderOutput("/output/result/ref_P") {
["file name"] = "result0.exr",
["result"] = 4, -- primitive attribute
["primitive attribute"] = "ref_P",
["primitive attribute type"] = 2 -- Vec3f
Glossy Lobe Material Color
-- output the color of all glossy lobes hit by primary rays
RenderOutput("/output/glossy_color") {
["file name"] = "result0.exr",
["result"] = 7, -- material aov
["material aov"] = "G.color",
Matte of the Geometry Objects with the “curly” and “gizmo1’ Labels
-- output a matte for the geometry objects with the
-- gizmo1 and curly labels
RenderOutput("/output/gizmo1AndCurlyMatte") {
["file name"] = "result0.exr",
["result"] = 7, -- material aov
["material aov"] = "'gizmo1''curly'...matte",
["channel name"] = "A"
Direct Lighting on Glossy Lobes
-- output the direct lighting on diffuse lobes
RenderOutput("/output/glossy_direct") {
["file name"] = "result0.exr",
["result"] = 8, -- light aov
["light aov"] = "CGL",
["channel format"] = 0,
Diffuse Key Lighting (assumes light has label ‘key’)
-- output diffuse lighting from lights with the key label
RenderOutput("/output/diffuse_key") {
["file name"] = "result0.exr",
["result"] = 8, -- light aov
["light aov"] = "CD'key'",
Motion Vectors
See also: Motion Vectors
-- Create 2D screen space motion vectors
RenderOutput("/output/motion_vectors") {
["result"] = "material aov",
["material_aov"] = "motionvec",
["channel_suffix_mode"] = "rgb"