Sampling Settings
Adjusting sampling settings to minimize both noise and render times can be tricky. There are some general guidelines to solving common noise problems.
Issue: Primary Aliasing
- features are jagged
- small details do not appear
- small features pop or swim between frames
- increase pixel samples
- higher adaptive sampling min_samples
If you find yourself using a lot of pixel samples, consider changing light and BSDF samples to 1.
Issue: Noisy Motion Blur or Depth of Field
- increase pixel samples
- lower adaptive sampling error_threshold
- consider lowering BSDF and light samples
The goal is to have MoonRay focus on primary rays to resolve the noise. Secondary rays have little effect on motion blur or depth of field.
Issue: Noisy Shadow Penumbras
- more light samples
- lower adaptive sampling error_threshold
Issue: Noisy Materials
- more BSDF samples
- lower adaptive sampling error_threshold
Issue: Noisy Indirect Light or Caustics
- more BSDF samples
- lower adaptive sampling error_threshold
- use path guiding
Issue: Render has Fireflies
- turn off caustics
- lower adaptive sampling error_threshold
- use path guiding
- use sample clamping