
Overview Permalink to Overview

The OpDisplayFilter performs a user-specified operation on two input buffers: input1 and input2.

Attribute Reference Permalink to Attribute Reference

Advanced attributes

invert_mask Permalink to invert_mask

default: False

Invert the value of the mask

mix Permalink to mix

default: 1.0

Blend [0,1] between input and output

General attributes

input1 Permalink to input1

default: None

First RenderOutput; required

input2 Permalink to input2

default: None

Second RenderOutput; optional

mask Permalink to mask

default: None

RenderOutput used to mask the output, revealing input1

operation Permalink to operation

Int enum
  0 = “add” (default)
  1 = “subtract”
  2 = “multiply”
  3 = “divide”
  4 = “min”
  5 = “max”
  6 = “power”
  7 = “cross”
  8 = “dot”
  9 = “modulo”
  10 = “greater_than”
  11 = “greater_than_or_equal”
  12 = “less_than”
  13 = “less_than_or_equal”
  14 = “equal”
  15 = “not_equal”
  16 = “and”
  17 = “or”
  18 = “xor”
  19 = “invert”
  20 = “normalize”
  21 = “abs”
  22 = “ceil”
  23 = “floor”
  24 = “length”
  25 = “sine”
  26 = “cosine”
  27 = “round”
  28 = “acos”
  29 = “not”

Operation to use on the input(s)

Examples Permalink to Examples

local glossy = RenderOutput("/output/glossy") {
    ["file_name"] = "result_tmp.exr",
    ["result"] = "light aov",
    ["light_aov"] = "glossy"

local diffuse = RenderOutput("/output/diffuse") {
    ["file_name"] = "result_tmp.exr",
    ["result"] = "light aov",
    ["light_aov"] = "diffuse"

local add = OpDisplayFilter("/display/add") {
    ["input1"] = diffuse,
    ["input2"] = glossy,
    ["operation"] = "add",

RenderOutput("/output/add") {
    ["file_name"] = "result0.exr",
    ["result"] = "display filter",
    ["display_filter"] = add,
    ["channel_name"] = "add"