
Overview Permalink to Overview

The Decay Light Filter causes the light to fade in and fade out. It is a linear ramp multiplier.

Attribute Reference Permalink to Attribute Reference

Properties attributes

falloff_far Permalink to falloff_far

default: False

does the light fade out?

falloff_near Permalink to falloff_near

default: False

does the light fade in?

far_end Permalink to far_end

default: 0.0

distance from light to end of fade out

far_start Permalink to far_start

default: 0.0

distance from light to start of fade out

near_end Permalink to near_end

default: 0.0

distance from light to end of fade in

near_start Permalink to near_start

default: 0.0

distance from light to start of fade in

General attributes

on Permalink to on

default: True

Turns the light filter on/off.

Examples Permalink to Examples

No decay
filter = DecayLightFilter("/Scene/lighting/decay") {
     ["falloff near"] = false,
     ["falloff far"] = false,
Fade in
filter = DecayLightFilter("/Scene/lighting/decay") {
     ["falloff near"] = true,
     ["falloff far"] = false,
     ["near start"] = 4.0,
     ["near end"] = 5.0,
Fade out
filter = DecayLightFilter("/Scene/lighting/decay") {
     ["falloff near"] = false,
     ["falloff far"] = true,
     ["far start"] = 7.0,
     ["far end"] = 8.0,
Fade in and fade out
filter = DecayLightFilter("/Scene/lighting/decay") {
     ["falloff near"] = true,
     ["falloff far"] = true,
     ["near start"] = 4.0,
     ["near end"] = 5.0,
     ["far start"] = 7.0,
     ["far end"] = 8.0,
Sharp decay
filter = DecayLightFilter("/Scene/lighting/decay") {
     ["falloff near"] = true,
     ["falloff far"] = true,
     ["near start"] = 5.0,
     ["near end"] = 5.0,
     ["far start"] = 7.6,
     ["far end"] = 7.6,
Broad decay
filter = DecayLightFilter("/Scene/lighting/decay") {
     ["falloff near"] = true,
     ["falloff far"] = true,
     ["near start"] = 3.0,
     ["near end"] = 5.0,
     ["far start"] = 7.0,
     ["far end"] = 9.0,