Overview Permalink to Overview
Assigns a material to the surface based on the incoming ray type. The supported ray types are as follows:
- camera ray
- indirect diffuse ray
- indirect mirror ray
- indirect glossy ray
If no material is specified for the incoming ray type, the default_material will be used.
Attribute Reference Permalink to Attribute Reference
General attributes
camera_ray_material Permalink to camera_ray_material
default: None
The material to use if the incoming ray is a camera ray.
cutout_camera_rays Permalink to cutout_camera_rays
default: False
If true, this material acts as a cutout material, i.e. we terminate any rays that encounter this material.
default_material Permalink to default_material
default: None
The default material to use if no material was specified for the incoming ray type.
extra_aovs Permalink to extra_aovs
default: None
Bind this attribute to a 'ListMap' that contains references to ExtraAovMaps that specify additional outputs that can be assigned to a RenderOutput "light aov" result
indirect_diffuse_ray_material Permalink to indirect_diffuse_ray_material
default: None
The material to use if the incoming ray is an indirect diffuse ray.
indirect_glossy_ray_material Permalink to indirect_glossy_ray_material
default: None
The material to use if the incoming ray is an indirect glossy ray.
indirect_mirror_ray_material Permalink to indirect_mirror_ray_material
default: None
The material to use if the incoming ray is an indirect mirror ray.
label Permalink to label
label used in material and light aovs
priority Permalink to priority
default: 0
The material's place in an order of precedence for overlapping dielectrics. A value of 0 means the priority should be ignored. Materials with lower numbers (higher priority) "override" materials with higher numbers (lower priority). To enable automatic removal of self-overlapping geometry, a non-zero priority must be set on the geometry's material.
record_reflected_cryptomatte Permalink to record_reflected_cryptomatte
default: False
Indicates whether the next reflected surface should appear in the reflected cryptomatte layers
record_refracted_cryptomatte Permalink to record_refracted_cryptomatte
default: False
Indicates whether the next refracted surface should appear in the refracted cryptomatte layers