Overview Permalink to Overview
ImageNormalMap applies tangent space normal mapping to materials. It is typically referenced by the input_normal attribute of a material.

Attribute Reference Permalink to Attribute Reference
UVs attributes
input_texture_coordinates Permalink to input_texture_coordinates
Vec3f bindable
default: [ 0, 0, 0 ]
When 'texture_coordinates' is set to 'input texture coordinates', UVs are generated by evaluating the map bound to this attribute
offset Permalink to offset
default: [ 0, 0 ]
Translates the UV coordinates in texture space. The order of operations is rotation, scale, and then offset.
rotation_angle Permalink to rotation_angle
default: 0.0
Rotation of the UV coordinates in texture space in degrees. The order of operations is rotation, scale, and then offset.
rotation_center Permalink to rotation_center
default: [ 0.5, 0.5 ]
The UV coordinate around which to rotate. The order of operations is rotation, scale, and then offset.
scale Permalink to scale
default: [ 1, 1 ]
Scales the UV coordinates in texture space. The order of operations is rotation, scale, and then offset.
texture_coordinates Permalink to texture_coordinates
Int enum
0 = “texture” (default)
1 = “input texture coordinates”
Selects which texture coordinates to use. 'texture' uses the surface UVs. 'input texture coordinates' uses the map bound to 'input_texture_coordinates'.
General attributes
default_value Permalink to default_value
default: [ 0, 0, 1 ]
Default value to be used for missing udims when 'use_default_value_when_missing' is enabled
normal_encoding Permalink to normal_encoding
Int enum
0 = “[0,1]” (default)
1 = “[-1,1]”
Most normal maps are encoded [0,1]. Only certain rare floating point normal maps are encoded [-1,1]
tangent_space_normal_texture Permalink to tangent_space_normal_texture
String filename
Filename that points to a tangent space normal texture .exr or .tx file (must be mip-mapped and tiled with maketx). If 'udim_files' is empty and a 'UDIM' token is present in the filename, then 'UDIM' will be replaced with the udim number (i.e. 1001, 1002, etc.)
use_default_value_when_missing Permalink to use_default_value_when_missing
default: False
Uses the 'default_value' for missing udims and does not report error
wrap_around Permalink to wrap_around
default: True
Controls whether to repeat (true) or clamp (false) the texture