MoonRay command-line tool

moonray is the command-line tool for rendering scenes in RDL2 scene format with MoonRay.
For interactive rendering, see moonray_gui.
For distributed single/multi machine rendering, see arras_render.

moonray takes in one or more input files, and when the render is complete the resulting rendered image is written to disk, along with any additional images that are specified via RenderOutputs in the scene description.

Command-line options

Use the -h flag to display the full list of command-line options.

$ moonray -h
Usage: moonray [options]
        Print this message.

    -in scene.rdl{a|b}
        Input RDL scene data. May appear more than once. Processes multiple
        files in order.

    -deltas file.rdl{a|b}
        Updates to apply to RDL scene data. May appear more than once.
        First renders without deltas and outputs the image. Then applies each
        delta file in order, outputting an image between each one.

    -out scene.exr
        Output image name and type.

    -threads n
        Number of threads to use (all by default).

    -cpuAffinity cpuIdDef
        set CPU affinity definition. "-1" disables CPU affinity control.
        cpuIdDef example : 0,1,2     => 0 1 2
                           0-2,4,6-9 => 0,1,2,4,6,7,8,9
                           -1        => disable CPU affinity (default)

    -socketAffinity socketIdDef
        set Socket affinity definition
        socketIdDef example : 0
                              0,1 or 0-1 => 0 1

    -size 1920 1080
        Canonical frame width and height (in pixels).

    -res 1.0
        Resolution divisor for frame dimensions.

    -exec_mode mode
        Choose a specific mode of execution. Valid options are:
        scalar - run in scalar mode (default).
        vector - always run vectorized regardless if volumes are found.
        xpu    - run in xpu mode.
        auto   - attempt to run vectorized but fall back to scalar if volumes are found.

    -sub_viewport l b r t
    -sub_vp       l b r t
        Clamp viewport render region.

    -debug_pixel x y
        Only render this one pixel for debugging. Overrides viewport.

    -dso_path dso/path
        Prepend to search path for RDL DSOs.

    -camera camera
        Camera to render from.

    -layer layer
        Layer to render from.

        Turn on supporting fast geometry update for animation.

    -record_rays .raydb/.mm
        Save ray database or mm for later debugging.

    -primary_range 0 [0]
        Start and end range of primary ray(s) to debug. Only active with

    -depth_range 0 [0]
        Start and end range of ray depths to debug. Only active with

    -rdla_set "var name" "expression"
        Sets a global variable in the Lua interpreter before any RDLA is

    -scene_var "name" "value"
        Override a specific scene variable.

    -attr_set "object" "attribute name" "value"
        Override the value of an attribute on a specific SceneObject.

    -attr_bind "object" "attribute name" "bound object name"
        Override the binding on an attribute of a specific SceneObject.

        Enable verbose progress and statistics logging on stdout.

        Enable debug level logging on stdout.

    -stats filename.csv
        Enable logging of statistics to a formatted file.

    -athena_tags "TAG1=VALUE1 TAG2=VALUE2 ... TAGN=VALUEN"
        Provided string will be sent to Athena Log Server and can be used to access stats on this render
        Intended to be used for storing user specific data of interest such as RATS tests, testmaps, etc
        TAG and VALUES are entirely up to the user

        activate both of resume render and checkpoint render

        Make aov output as resumable for resume render

        Enable progress checkpoint rendering mode

Below is more information on the some of the most commonly used options and workflows.

CPU (physical socket/core) affinity control

-socketAffinity <id-def-string>
-cpuAffinity <id-def-string>

You can run the moonray process attached to the physical cores by using one of 2 different CPU affinity control options. “-socketAffinity” is used for physical socket-based CPU-affinity control. And “-cpuAffinity” is used for physical core-based CPU-affinity control.
We can get the same control of “-socketAffinity” option using “-cpuAffinity” if you carefully consider which core# belongs to which socket. However, this is not as user-friendly, so we provide a “-socketAffinity” option for simplifying the socket-based CPU affinity control.
“-cpuAffinity” option allows us to attach the MoonRay process to the cores in a more detailed way like partial cores of particular sockets. This is useful when you want to run MoonRay inside a particular NUMA node.

Both options use id-def-string as an argument. The same id-def-string format is used for both of options but the meaning is different. The id-def-string for “-socketAffinity” indicates physical socket-id and the id-def-string for “-cpuAffinity” indicates physical core-id.

Format of id-def-string for “-socketAffinity” and “-cpuAffinity” option

  1. list of ids : separator is ‘,’(comma) without space.
     “0,1,2”	-> 	0 1 2
     “9,8,5”	->	5 8 9
     “9,5,7”	->	5 7 9
  2. range def by ‘-‘(dash) without space
     “0-3”		->	0 1 2 3
     “1-3,8-9”	->	1 2 3 8 9
     “5-7,0-2”	->	0 1 2 5 6 7
  3. You can use both the list of ids and range def at the same time
     “0-2,3,4-6”	->	0 1 2 3 4 5 6
     “4,7-8,1-3”	->	1 2 3 4 7 8

Combination of “-socketAffinity” and “-cpuAffinity” options

  • If you specify “-cpuAffinity” then MoonRay gets cpu-based control. If you specify “-cpuAffinity -1”, CPU-affinity is disabled.
  • If you specify “-socketAffinity” then MoonRay gets socket-based control.
  • If you specify both “-socketAffinity” and “-cpuAffinity”, MoonRay gets cpu-based control (socketAffinity setting is ignored).
  • If you specify neither of “-socketAffinity” and “-cpuAffinity” then CPU-affinity is disabled.

Checkpoint Rendering

See the Checkpoint/Resume Rendering page.

Execution Mode

See the Execution Modes page for more info.


The inputs to moonray are one or more RDLA or RDLB files (see the RDL2 scene format).

$ moonray -in scene.rdla

Multiple RDL2 input files are supported. Each input file can declare new SceneObjects along with their attributes, as well as override or set attributes on SceneObjects that were declared in previously processed files. The RDL2 files are processed in the order they are given on the command-line.

It is sometimes convenient to store large vector attributes (vertices, face indices, or other per-vertex data, for example) in RDLB binary format, while the bulk of the SceneClasses and their non-vector attributes are stored in RDLA format for easy human readability.

$ moonray -in main_scene.rdla -in extra_lights.rdla -in some_large_geom_data.rdlb


By default, moonray writes out an image named scene.exr. This name of this file can be changed using the -out argument:

$ moonray -in scene.rdla -out my_image.exr

moonray will also potentially write out additional images containing various data if the scene contains RenderOutputs

Overriding Scene Variables

It is possible to set or override any attribute of the SceneVariables directly from the command-line, via the -scene_var command-line argument. This is useful for things like optimizing render settings on an existing scene without modifying the input RDL2 files.

-- scene.rdla
SceneVariables {
    ["pixel_samples"] = 12,
    ["max_depth"] = 10,
    ["image_width"] = 1920,
    ["image_height"] = 782,
$ moonray -in scene.rdla -scene_var "max_depth" "2" -scene_var "pixel_samples" "1" -scene_var "res" "2"

Overriding Attributes

You can override an attribute of any Scene Object using -attr_set on the command-line. This feature can be useful for things like running a series of wedge renders via bash script, for example.

Here’s a simple example:

-- sphere.rdla
SphereGeometry("sphere") {
    ["radius"] = 1,
    ["phi_max"] = 360,
    ["zmax"] = 1,
    ["zmin"] = -1,
$ moonray -in sphere.rdla -attr_set "sphere" "radius" "42"

Setting Lua Variables

It is also possible to set global Lua variables that will be available during the processing of the input RDLA files using the -rdla_set command-line argument. These variables can then be accessed in an RDLA file.

Here’s an simple example:

-- sphere.rdla
SphereGeometry("sphere") {
    ["radius"] = my_radius,
    ["phi_max"] = 360,
    ["zmax"] = 1,
    ["zmin"] = -1,
$ moonray -in sphere.rdla -rdla_set "my_radius" "42"